It’s because the French savor each bite thoroughly….
]]>Speaking of cool French tech., Liam Proven (not in Prague) wrote a very good piece on successful application of exo-cortices (and a bit on exo-skeleta too) ( ) that features French Clinatec’s (in Grenoble) WIMAGINE implants for Brain Computer Interface (BCI) — very high-tech stuff, human-pilot-tested in Switzerland (with a SuPeRb open-access paper in Nature), and backed-by (get this):
“Recursive Exponentially Weighted N-way Partial Least Squares Regression […] in Brain-Computer Interface”
Waouh! Viva le biomath francaise, and bioengineering!
]]>64KB, shm64KB! Just yesterday, Sally Ward-Foxton reported on Axelera (French) putting 4MB of L1 on its RISC-V matrix-vector multiply (MVM) accelerator (no OS) — they apparently refer to that as “in-memory compute”, seeing how each ALU/MVM is bathed in sizeable fast cache RAM (that 4MB). It is a rather surprising arch. (as suggested, I think, by Mark Sobkow in the Meta Platforms MTIA TNP piece) but the French appetite knows no bounds (and yet they somehow remain quite slim)!