keep up the good work 🙂
]]>Just my peculiar form of dyslexia, which crops up from time to time.
]]>Estimate ONE Intel on 10Q financial adjusted on channel inventory data for what escapes in sales bundle non reported and see math next in Estimate 2.
q1 = 8,586,001 component units
q2 = 5,743,041
q3 = 7,223,821
q4 = 8,079,880
TOTAL = 29,641,743
AMD Epyc + TR5K looks like it’s coming in around 8 M units in 2022 which places AMD production share at 21.2% in relation Intel Estimate ONE.
Estimate TWO Intel on 10Q financial Channel inventory at $1K AWP = $2377 < variable COS < MG&A, < tax accrual. In this estimate cost of R&D is treated as depreciated fixed and NOT taken from component NET at $768.73 / into division revenue.
q1 = 7,728,488
q2 = 6,723,719
q3 = 5,325,471
q4 = 5,298,083
TOTAL = 25,075,760
AMD Epyc Milan + TR5K looks like it's coming in around 8 M units in 2022 which places AMD production share at 19.4% in relation Intel Estimate TWO.
Estimate 3, NOW taking < R&D treating as operating cost NOW NET $488.18 approximately x2 marginal cost / DCG stated revenue;
q1 = 12,169,963 component units
q2 = 10,587,765
q3 = 8,385,959
q4 = 8,342,831
TOTAL = 39,486,519 and analyst's preference on what does not get reported as revenue in sales bundle.
AMD Epyc Milan + TR5K looks like it's coming in around 8 M units in 2022 which places AMD production share at 16.8% in relation Intel Estimate THREE.
Networking and Edge at quarterly Intel full line CCG/DGC/Network/Altera average gross $217.16 per unit;
q1 = 9,972,850
q2 = 11,871,714
q3 = 10,087,596
q4 = 8,926,334
TOTAL = 40,858,494
Range Low on XEON $1K AWP < all costs NET $488.18 = 18,286,408 units analyst disqualifies as low.
Altera components average with associated development platform sales at objective Xeon net $768.73 = 1,087,629 units
AMD Epyc 2022 on 10Q adjusted on channel inventory data;
q1 = 1,778,617 units
q2 = 1,115,733
q3 = 1,907,968
q4 = tbd
Thread ripper 5K
q1 = 546,220
q2 = 417,534
q3 = 175,832
q4 = tbd
AMD in relation Intel channel inventory data ONLY (what commercial analysts neglect to report) that is sustaining market share.
Beginning with Xeon Ice and Epyc Milan channel market share on December 31 where Genoa was just available in sample volume;
AMD Milan = 37%
Intel Ice Lake = 63%
Adding AMD Rome:
AMD Milan + Rome = 70% but Rome sales have slowed
Intel Ice = 30%
Adding Intel Cascade Lakes:
Milan + Rome = 10%
Ice + Cascade Lakes = 90%
Adding AMD Naples, all Thread ripper generations and Intel Skylake
All Epyc + TR 1/2/3/5 = 5.8%
All Intel Xeon P/G/S/W = 94.2%
Mike Bruzzone, Camp Marketing
]]>You seem to be saying the opposite, i.e. “above” instead of “below”. Just FYI. Good article. Thanks..
]]>intel has better debugging tool
]]>All fixed now. I have no idea what Excel was doing there….
You’re right. Something went wonky in the transition. . . Let me see.