Comments on: Crafting A DGX-Alike AI Server Out Of AMD GPUs And PCI Switches In-depth coverage of high-end computing at large enterprises, supercomputing centers, hyperscale data centers, and public clouds. Fri, 25 Aug 2023 15:21:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: emerth Sun, 20 Aug 2023 20:53:50 +0000 In reply to Thomas Hoberg.

@Thomas Hoberg. OTOH nV canned nVlink on all the consumer products. You can run CUDA code on them but if you gang a bunch up you’ll still be running into the PCIe bus.

Wanna do real work with nV… get out your Platinum card and put in an order for some nV big tin.

By: Thomas Hoberg Wed, 16 Aug 2023 16:30:46 +0000 When you can do it with AMD GPUs, you can also do it with consumer GPUs and I’ve not regretted going for RTX over AMD since my last R9 290X (a technical marvel with 512 circuit board traces to 4GB of GDDR5, but a total sucker at gaming).

I wonder just how far you can go with these and RTX 4090 and where you’re better off going with what Nvidia want’s you to buy: they make consumer GPUs as wide as they can be for a reason!

Then again I guess just going with PCIe extension cables on a 2nd hand EPYC Milan might get you somewhere with even less hassle but also diminishing returns.

Generally my impression in the PCIe switch hell has just been that composability and interoperability was extremely high on vendor’s shit list because customer choice means less profit.

I wonder how companies like Dolphin systems still survive…

By: Slim Albert Wed, 16 Aug 2023 01:23:05 +0000 This Milan+MI210 combo looks to me like a sweet spot for performance and efficiency that enterprises and institutions can benefit from today — especially if it is available and affordable (unlike the leading edge!). TNP treats us a yummy diet of up-and-coming MI300s, GH200s, SR+PVs, PCIe 6.0, and CXL 3.0 (already salivating just by typing this), but MI210 is pretty much the tech underlying Frontier (still #1), and likely a huge bargain compared to such fine and elaborate dining. If I understand, FabreX adds much greater utilization, in a composable framework, which adds to this value proposition — a wninning menu for the real-world!

Still, I can’t wait for the swachbuckling El Capitan to take Aurora’s sleeping beauty to the big dance and simultaneously challenge the Venado peak, beyond the Frontier!
