Comments on: The AI Boom Props Up Datacenter Infrastructure Spending In-depth coverage of high-end computing at large enterprises, supercomputing centers, hyperscale data centers, and public clouds. Mon, 16 Oct 2023 14:25:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: HuMo Wed, 04 Oct 2023 16:10:58 +0000 In reply to Adir Zevulun.

It’s like that witch in Hansel and Gretel … Hey, look, a gingerbread, cake, and candy house! p^8

By: Adir Zevulun Wed, 04 Oct 2023 04:53:31 +0000 AI is eating the world.

By: HuMo Tue, 03 Oct 2023 23:07:26 +0000 I see your concern about the “R” word here. It occurs in 2 sub-segments (dedicated-cloud and non-cloud) while “Total” still has positive growth (8.2% and 1.3%, for Q1-Q2 ’23, in the big table). If the digestive plug-up is caused by CoWoS delaying availability of much desired HBM then transit should become more regular, pronto, with “simple” investments into known tech (flux capacity).

Also, with so much (long awaited) new tech finally pushing out, and rapidly so, there could be some decisional issues at play (pending broader benchmarking, or top500 results, to aim right) of whether to remain Zen, go full-hog SR, wait for rock solid Granite, a ride in the Sierra, or a digestive walk on the wild side with some of ARM’s cheeky twelve Olympians (of the Neoverse). DC piping choices have just exploded it seems, from a couple years ago when EPYC meditation sat as the lone ranger of success in such operation! 8^p
