Comments on: China Has Already Reached Exascale – On Two Separate Systems In-depth coverage of high-end computing at large enterprises, supercomputing centers, hyperscale data centers, and public clouds. Wed, 27 Jul 2022 17:09:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nico Wed, 27 Jul 2022 17:09:56 +0000 I find it a bit sad and embarrassing when Westerners are so sinophobic these days that they can’t recognize China’s achievements.

Europe used to steal a whole lot of IP from China in past centuries and made a lot of money with it. But now nobody wants to be reminded of that…

By: Nico Wed, 27 Jul 2022 17:05:09 +0000 I believe it is not propaganda at all. There is a NYT article on it, which cites a very demanding simulation result indicating it is true:

“More evidence that China broke the exascale barrier emerged in November, when a group of 14 Chinese researchers won a prestigious award from the Association for Computing Machinery, the Gordon Bell Prize, for simulating a quantum computing circuit on the new Sunway system running at exascale speeds. The calculating job, estimated to take 10,000 years on Oak Ridge’s fastest prior supercomputer, took 304 seconds on the Chinese system, the researchers reported in a technical paper.”

By: Simpleson Tue, 12 Jul 2022 03:22:51 +0000 In reply to ampar.

Well, such breakthrough would remain a propaganda forever, and a legend beyond the rank.
Years before, SunWay got appended to BlackList(Entity List) of the US, soon as SunWay TaihuLight got champion in the rank.
it’s so much cool to get targeted, but it doesn’t feel good getting targeted due to their excellence. That’s why Sunway OceanLite didn’t join the rank, so is the other exaFloppers in China.

Thanks to Trade Sanction, a king is the SunWay in the past, and a crownless king is their future.

By: ampar Wed, 01 Jun 2022 18:47:12 +0000 Up to now this is all propaganda.
The only real exaFlop computer is the american Frontier (1.7 exaFlop).

By: GRU-0 Tue, 29 Mar 2022 03:09:45 +0000 In reply to Steel Stealers.

How did China steal the technology that your country doesn’t have? Use a time machine?

By: Every Name is Mine Thu, 10 Feb 2022 04:50:20 +0000 In reply to Steel Stealers.

That’s why this sounds more like Propaganda to pump up Chairman Mao “Xi” Dunghole’s sore ego! Why? Because Trump had already stopped sales of chips to CCP/PRC (from Intel, ARM, AMD, Samsung & of course TSMC). Besides already commissioning the 1st (1st of 3 Predictive A.I. 2 ExaFLOP Super Computers – Lawrence Livermore DoD Labs). These are all True ExaFLOP Barrier Breaking including “El Capitan” in 2020. Beating CCP’s Fastest Super Computer by 10 times… & that was Nvidia’s expertise that got CCP to their fastest Super Computer! …so don’t believe them. Just ask ’em how much they paid for this obvious hogwash Communist Propaganda!

Also… consider how embarrassed Mao Xi Dunghole was when he got conned into blowing Billions to build CCP’s 1st Semiconductor Plant w/ a Con Artist ripping him off, by telling him he knew all TSMC’s SECRETS! ahahaha… How does it feel Xi to get BURNT!!! LOL…

TSMC FAB in China is now limited to 14nm while TSMC is Spending $35 Billion 5nm GigaFABS in Arizona & another $7 Billion 5nm GigaFAB in Japan w/ Sony. So w/ both USA & Japan (US Gov has approved TSMC FTZ – Foreign Trade Zone) and every country in the World… Depends on TSMC for Chips (including Russia)… no wonder Chairman Mao “Xi” Dunghole’s Ego is BRUISED! :DDD)))

Also.. they think they can take over Taiwan to get their Semiconductor Expertise? LOL… Reality is that CCP/PRC w/ a GDP per Capita of only $10,000 depends on Taiwanese companies like Acer, ASUS, Nvidia, etc.. et all… & the Global Conglomerate Hon Hai Group w/ Foxconn/Pegatron (making about all High Tech Products in China… now going to Mexico, Brazil, India, Vietnam, etc.. that’d be about the stupidest move by China’s Pricktatorship… EVER!!!

By: Art Scott Tue, 18 Jan 2022 15:14:25 +0000 E = kTln2

By: cjenkins Sun, 31 Oct 2021 02:37:01 +0000 China keeping mum? Given what a tight grip they keep on information about themselves it’s hard to believe you would have this knowledge if they didn’t intentionally leak it.

By: BRIAN C. Sun, 31 Oct 2021 01:26:48 +0000 To the editor (sp.): The “Mars” processor then was always intended for us in China’s supercomputers => The “Mars” processor then was always intended for use in China’s supercomputers

By: Steel Stealers Sat, 30 Oct 2021 09:27:13 +0000 They allowed Western tech companies to build in China and then pillaged IP. CCP did not create anything on their own. Every piece of tech has been stolen from ARM, Intel, Nvidia, etc with the help of AWS, Google, Facebook and greedy politicians. Everything is then built under duress by CCP citizens or slaves.
